Serer people

The Serer People
Total population
Over 1.8 million[1]
Regions with significant populations
 Senegal (1,840,712),

 Gambia (31,900),  Mauritania small number (3,500)

also found overseas.


Serer proper, Cangin languages, Wolof
French (Senegal and Mauritania),
English (The Gambia),


Serer Religion, some practice Christianity and Islam

Related ethnic groups

Wolof people, Toucouleur people and Lebou people

The Serer people (also spelt "Sérère", "Sereer", "Serere", "Seereer" and sometimes wrongly "Serre") along with the Jola people are acknowledged to be the oldest inhabitants of The Senegambia.[2]

In modern day Senegal, the Serer people live in the west-central part of the country, running from the southern edge of Dakar to The Gambian border. The Serer (also known as "Seex" or "Sine-Sine") occupy the ancient Sine and Saloum areas (now part of modern day independent Senegal). In The Gambia, they occupy parts of old "Nuimi" and "Baddibu" as well as The Gambian "Kombo". The Serer-Noon occupy the ancient area of Thiès in modern day Senegal. The Serer-Ndut are found in southern Cayor and north west of ancient Thiès. The Serer-Njeghen occupy old Baol; the Serer-Palor occupies the west central, west southwest of Thiès and the Serer-Laalaa occupy west central, north of Thiès and the Tambacounda area.[3][4]

The Serer people are the third largest ethnic group in Senegal making up 14.7% of the Senegalese population.[5] In Gambia they make up less than 2% of the population.[6] Along with Senegal and The Gambia, they are also found in small numbers in southern Mauritania. Some notable Gambian Serers include Isatou Njie-Saidy, Vice President of The Gambia since 20 March 1997, and the late Senegambian historian, politician and advocate for Gambia's independence during the colonial era - Alhaji Alieu Ebrima Cham Joof. In Senegal they include Leopold Sedar Senghor and Abdou Diouf (first and second president of Senegal respectively).


Serer peoples

The Serer people include the Serer-Sine, Serer-Noon (sometimes spelt "Serer-None" or "Serer-Non"), Serer-Ndut (also spelt "N’doute"), Serer-Njeghene (sometimes spelt "Serer-Dyegueme" or "Serer-Gyegem" or "Serer-N'Diéghem"), Serer-Safene, Serer-Niominka, Serer-Palor (also known as "Falor", "Palar", "Siili", "Siili-Mantine", "Siili-Siili", "Waro" or just "Serer"), and the Serer-Laalaa (sometimes known as "Laa", "La" or "Lâ" or just "Serer"). Each group speaks Serer or a Cangin language. "Serer" is the standard English spelling. "Seereer" or "Sereer" reflects the Serer pronunciation of the name and are mostly used by Senegalese Serer historians or scholars.


The name "Serer" which not only identifies the people but also their language, culture, tradition, etc. is deemed by many anthropologists, linguists and historians (some of whom include Issa Laye Thiaw, Cheikh Anta Diop and Henry Gravrand (Henri Gravrand) to be an ancient and sacred word just as the Serer language itself.[7]

History of the Serer people

Ancient History

Several material relics have been found in different Serer countries relating to their pre-historic and ancient history. Most of these are about the past origins of Serer families, villages and Serer Kingdoms. Some of these relics included gold, silver and metals.[9] [10] Laterite megaliths carved planted in circular structures with stones were also discovered in Serer countries.[9]

Medieval era to present

Serer people’s medieval history is partly characterised by resisting Islamization and later Wolofization from the 11th century during the Almoravid movement (particularly the Serers of Takrur)[11] to the 19th century Marabout movement of Senegambia.[12] Although the old Serer paternal dynasties continued, the Wagadou maternal dynasty was replaced by the Guelowar maternal dynasty in the 14th century.[13] After the Ghana Empire was sacked as certain kingdoms gained their independence, Abu-Bakr Ibn-Umar, leader of the Almoravids launched a jihad into the region. In November 1087 (C.E), the Serer King Ama Gôdô Maat, according to oral tradition defeated Abu-Bakr Ibn-Umar and he was killed by a poisoned arrow.[14][15][16][17]

The last Serer kings

The last kings of Sine and Saloum were Maat Sine Mahecor Joof (also spelt "Mahecor Diouf") and Maat Saloum Fode Ngui Joof (also spelt "Fodé N’Gouye Diouf") respectively. They both died in 1969. After their deaths, the Serer Kingdoms of Sine and Saloum were incorporated into independent Senegal which gained its independence from France in 1960. The Serer kingdoms of Sine and Saloum are two of few pre-colonial African Kingdoms whose royal dynasty survived up to the 20th.[18]

The Serer kingdoms

Serer kingdoms included the Kingdom of Sine and the Kingdom of Saloum. In addition to these twin Serer kingdoms, the Serers also ruled in the Wolof kingdoms such as Jolof, Waalo, Cayor and Baol. The Kingdom of Baol was originally an old Serer Kingdom ruled by the Serer paternal dynasties such as Joof, Njie etc. and the Wagadou maternal dynasty prior to the Battle of Danki in 1549.[19] The Faal paternal dynasty of Cayor and Baol that ruled after 1549 following the Battle of Danki were originally Black Moors. Prior to the Faal dynasty of Cayor and Baol, these two kingdoms were ruled by the Serer people with the patrilineages "Joof" or Diouf, Faye and Njie, and the maternal lineage of Wagadou – members of the royal families from the Ghana Empire (proper "Wagadou Empire") who married into the Serer aristocracy.[20]

Social organization

The Serer Kings and land owners (Maat, Maad or Lamane or even "Barr" as used by some mainly non-Serers when referring to Serer kings) were at the top of the social strata. The terms "Buur Sine" and "Buur Saloum" (King of Sine and King of Saloum respectively) are Wolof terms when referring to Serer Kings. "Buur" or "Bur" are not Serer terms but Wolof terms.[21] When Serers refer to their kings they say "Maat" or "Mad" or "Maad". The Serer kings divided their capacity as follows (not in order of importance): the King of Sine "Maat Sine" or "Maat Saloum" appointed the chiefs of provinces named "Laman", of "Serer" or "Guelowar" origin (pre 1335 Lamans were not mere province Chiefs but kings, also the Guelowars became Serers and had Serer surnames).[22]

Serer names and kingship

All the kings that ruled Serer Kingdoms had Serer surnames, with the exception of the Mboge and Faal paternal dynasties whose reigns are very recent and they did not provide many kings. Other notable titles included "Buumi" or "Bumi" (of Serer origin meaning inheritor). The word (Bumi) is also found in Wolof, but it is Serer in origin.[23] They were members of the Royal Family and were eligible to succeed after the death of Kings. The "Buur Kevel" or "Buur Geweel" (the Head Griot of the King). This person was also a rather important figure in the Royal Court as well as in wars. Not only did he kept the history and genealogy of the royal dynasty, he was also the advisor to the King. The "Buur Kevel(s)" or "Buur Geweel(s)" were very wealthy and powerful. They had the power to destroy a royal dynasty if they chose to do so. Their other role included accompanying kings to battles; advising kings when and how to launch a war against another kingdom; what the King should eat; how to walk; what to wear; whom to give audience to; whom to employ and whom to sack etc.[24]


The Serer people are diverse and though they spread throughout the Senegambia region, they are more numerous in places like old Baol, Sine, Saloum and in The Gambia which was a colony of the Kingdom of Saloum.

The following table gives the estimated Serer population per country:

Country Population
Senegal 1,840,712.1[1]
The Gambia 31,900[25]
Mauritania 3500[26]

Serer languages

Most people who identify themselves as Serer speak the Serer language. This is spoken in Sine-Saloum, Kaolack, Diourbel, Dakar, and in Gambia, and is part of the national curriculum of Senegal. Historically the Serer people’s unwillingness to trade directly during the colonial era was a double edged sword to the Serer language as well as the Cangin languages. That resulted in the Wolof language being the dominant language in the market place as well as the factories.[27] However, the Serer language among with other local languages are now part of the national curriculum of Senegal.

About 200,000 Serer speak various Cangin languages, such as Serer-Ndut and Serer-Safene, which are not closely related to Serer proper. There are clear lexical similarities among the Cangin languages. However, they are more closely related to other languages than to Serer, and vice versa.[28] For comparison in the table below, 85% is approximately the dividing line between dialects and different languages.

Cangin languages and Serer proper  % Similarity with Serer  % Similarity with Serer-Noon  % Similarity with Saafi-Saafi (Serer-Safene)  % Similarity with Serer-Ndut  % Similarity with Serer-Palor  % Similarity with Serer-Laalaa (Serer-Lehar) Areas they are predominantly found Estimated population
Serer-Laalaa (Serer-Lehar) 22 84 74 68 68 N/A West central, north of Thies, Pambal area, Mbaraglov, Dougnan; Tambacounda area. Also found in The Gambia 12,000 (Senegal figures only (2007)
Serer-Ndut 22 68 68 N/A 84 68 West central, northwest of Thiès 38,600 (Senegal figures only (2007)
Serer-Noon 22 N/A 74 68 68 84 Thiès area. 32,900 (Senegal figures only (2007)
Serer-Palor 22 68 74 84 N/A 68 West central, west southwest of Thiès 10,700 (Senegal figures only (2007)


22 74 N/A 68 74 74 Triangle southwest of and near Thiès (between Diamniadio, Popenguine, and Thiès) 114,000 (Senegal figures only (2007)
Serer (not a Cangin language) N/A 22 22 22 22 22 West central; Sine and Saloum River valleys. Also in The Gambia and small number in Mauritania 1,154,760 (Senegal - 2006 figures); 31,900 (The Gambia - 2006 figures) and 3,500 (Mauritania 2006 figures)[29]

Serer culture

The Serer's favourite food is called Chere (also "Chereh" etc.) in the Serer language - (pounded coos). They control all the phases of this dish from production to preparation. Other ethnic groups (or Serers), tend to buy it from Serer women market traders or contract it out to them especially if they are holding major ceremonial events. Chere is very versertile and can be eaten with fermented milk or cream and sugar as a breakfast cereal or prepared just as a standard couscous. The Serer traditional attire is called Serr. It is normally woven by Serer men and believed to bring good luck among those who wear it. Marriages are usually arranged. In the event of the death of an elder, the sacred "Gamba" (a big calabash with a small hollow-out) is beaten followed by the usual funeral regalia to send them off to the next life.[30]

Wrestling and Sports

Senegalese wrestling called "Laamb" or Njom in Serer originated from the Serer Kingdom of Sine.[31] It was a preparatory exercise for war among the warrior classes. That style of wrestling (a brutal and violent form) is totally different from the sport wrestling enjoyed by all Senegambian ethnic groups today, nevertheless the ancient rituals are still visible in the sport version. Among the Serers, wrestling is classifed into different techniques and each technique takes several years to master. Children start young trying to master the basics before moving on to the more advance techniques like the "mbapatte", which is one of the oldest tehniques and totally different from modern wrestling. Yékini (real name: "Yakhya Diop"), who is a professional wrestler in Senegal is one of the top wrestlers proficient in the "mbapatte" technique. Lamba and sabar (musical instruments) are used as music ccompaniments in wrestling matches as well as in circumcision dances and royal festivals.[32] Serer wrestling crosses ethnic boundaries and is a favourite pastime for Senegalese and Gambians alike.


"The Serer people are known especially for their rich knowledge of vocal and rhythmic practices that infuse their everyday language with complex overlapping cadences and their ritual with intense collaborative layerings of voice and rhythm."

Ali Colleen Neff[33]

The Sabar (drum) tradition associated with the Wolof people originated from the Serer Kingdom of Sine and spread to the Kingdom of Saloum. The Wolof people who migrated to Serer Saloum picked it up from there and spread it to Wolof Kingdoms.[34] Each motif has a purpose and is used for different occasions. Individual motifs represent the history and genealogy of a particular family and are used during weddings, naming ceremonies, funerals etc.

The "Tassu" tradition (also "Tassou") which is the progenitor of rap originated from the Serer people. It was used when chanting ancient religious verses. The people would sing then interweave it with a "Tassu". The late Serer Diva Yandé Codou Sène who was the griot of the late and former president of Senegal (Leopold Sedar Senghor) was proficient in the "Tassu". She was the best "Tassukat" (one who Tassu) of her generation. Originally religious in nature, the griots of Senegambia regardless of ethnic group or religion picked it up from Serer religious practices and still use it in different occasions e.g. marriages, naming ceremonies or when they are just singing the praises of their patrons. Most Senegalese and Gambian artists use it in their songs even the younger generation like "Baay Bia". The Senegalese music legend Youssou N'Dour who is also a Serer, uses "Tassu" in many of his songs.[33]


The Serers practice trade, agriculture, fishing, boat building and animal husbandry. Traditionally the Serer people have been farmers and land owners.[35] Although they practice animal husbandry, they are generallly less known for that, as in the past, Serer nobles entrusted their herds to the pastoralist Fulas, even today.[36] However, they are known for their mixed-farming.[37] Trade is also a recent phenomenon among some Serers. For the Serers, the soil (where their ancestors lay in rest) is very important to them and they guard it with jealousy. They have a legal framework governing every aspect of life even land law with strict guidelines. Apart from agriculture (and other forms of production or occupation such as animal husbandry, fishing especially among the Serer-Niominka, boat building, etc.), some occupations especially trade they viewed as vulgar, common and ignoble. Hence in the colonial era, especially among the Serer nobles, they would hire others to do the trading on their behalf (e.g. Moors) acting as their middle men.[38][39]

Serer relations to Moors

In the pre-colonial times, Moors from Mauritania who came to settle in the Serer Kingdoms were ill treated by their Serer masters. If a Moor dies in a Serer Kingdom, his body was dragged out of the country and left for the vultures to feast on if there is no family or friend to claim the body and bury it elsewhere. They were also never accompanied by grave goods. No matter how long a Mauritanian Moor has lived in the area as a migrant, he could never achieve high status within the Serer aristocracy. The best position he could ever wish for within Serer high society was to work as a Bissit (Bissik). Apart from spying for the Serer Kings, the Bissit's main job was to be a clown - for the sole entertainment of the Serer King, the Serer aristocracy and the common people. He was expected to dance in ceremonies before the king and liven up the king's mood and the king's subjects. This position was always given to the Moors. It was a humiliating job and not a title of honour. According to some, the history of this position goes back to an early Moor in Serer country who had a child by his own daughter.[40]

Joking relationship (Kalir)

Serers and Toucouleurs are linked by a bond of "cousinage". This is a tradition common to many ethnic groups of West Africa known as "kal" or "Massir" in Serer language (Joking relationship) -, which comes from "kalir" (a deformation of the Serer word "kucarla" meaning paternal lineage). This joking relationship enables one group to criticise another, but also obliges the other with mutual aid and respect. The Serers call this Kalir or Massir. This is because the Serers are the ancestors of the Toucouleurs.[41] The Serers also maintain the same bond with the Jola people with whom they have an ancient relationship.[42] In the Serer ethnic group, this same bond exists between the Serer patronym, for example between Joof and Faye.

All Senegambian people also refer to this joking relations as "kal" (used between first cousins for example between the children of a paternal aunt and a maternal uncle) and "gamo" (used between tribes). "Kal" derives from the Serer word "Kalir" a deformation of "kurcala" which means paternal lineage or inheritance and is used exactly in that context by all Senegambians.[43] The word "gamo" derives from the old Serer word "gamohu" or "gamohou" (also "gamahou" - an ancient divination ceremony)[44][45]

Serer cultural, religious, musical traditions and terminology have had a strong imprint on Senegambia. Even the ancient religious ceremonies of the Serer people which are animistic in nature have made their mark on Senegambian people and are borrowed by Senegambian Muslims to describe their Islamic ceremonies.[46]

Serer patronyms

Some of the common Serer surnames


The Serer religion, Fat Rog ('the way of the Divine') is the original religious beliefs, practices and teachings of the Serer people. The Serer people believe in a universal Supreme Deity called "Rog. The Serer religious beliefs encompasses ancient chants and poems; veneration and offerings to the Serer Gods, Goddesses, ancient Serer Saints and ancestral spirits (Pangool); astronomy; initiation rites; medicine; cosmology and history of the Serer people.[47][48]

Until the colonial period, the Serer people resisted both Islamization and Wolofization. They saw Islamization as an aspect of Wolofization.[49][50] Some Serers today are Christian or Muslim, however, some note that many Serers still follow their traditional religious beliefs.[51][52]

See also

Related peoples

Other ethnic groups

Serer kingdoms






  1. ^ a b Agence Nationale de Statistique et de la Démographie. Estimated figures for 2007 in Senegal alone
  2. ^ Gambian Studies No. 17. People of The Gambia. I. The Wolof by David P. Gamble & Linda K. Salmon with Alhaji Hassan Njie. San Francisco 1985.
  3. ^ Patience Sonko-Godwin. Ethnic Groups of The Senegambia Region. A Brief History. p32. Sunrise Publishers Ltd. Third Edition, 2003. ISBN 9983 990062
  4. ^ Languages of Senegal. 2007 figures
  5. ^ CIA Factsheet
  6. ^ [1]
  7. ^ "La Religiosité des Sereer, avant et pendant leur Islamisation". Éthiopiques, No: 54, Revue Semestrielle de Culture Négro-Africaine. Nouvelle Série, Volume 7, 2e Semestre 1991. By Issa Laye Thiaw
  8. ^ a b c Gravrand, Henry: " La Civilisation Sereer - Pangool. Published by Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Senegal. 1990. pp, 9, 20 & 77. ISBN 2-7236-1055-1."
    • Top to bottom: The first image of the Senegambian stone circles (megaliths) which runs from Senegal all the way to The Gambia and described by UNESCO as "the largest concentration of stone circles seen anywhere in the world." The site itself is believed to be an ancient burial site. The second image is in (modern day Mauritania) see West Saharan montane xeric woodlands. The third image is rock art in modern day Mauritania. For all image references including the Tasili, see: Henry Gravrand. La Civilisation Sereer - Pangool. Published by Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Senegal. 1990. pp, 9, 20 & 77. ISBN 2-7236-1055-1
    For Senegambian megaliths see:
    • Becker, Charles: "Vestiges historiques, trémoins matériels du passé clans les pays sereer". Dakar. 1993. CNRS - ORS TO M
  9. ^ a b Becker, Charles: "Vestiges historiques, trémoins matériels du passé clans les pays sereer". Dakar. 1993. CNRS - ORS TO M"
  10. ^ Charles Becker et Victor Martin, Rites de sépultures préislamiques au Sénégal et vestiges protohistoriques, Archives Suisses d'Anthropologie Générale, Imprimerie du Journal de Genève, Genève, 1982, tome 46, N° 2, p. 261-293
  11. ^ See Godfrey Mwakikagile. Martin A. Klein. Islam and Imperialism in Senegal Sine-Saloum, 1847-1914, Edinburgh At the University Press (1968)
  12. ^ See Martin Klein p62-93
  13. ^ For old paternal Serer dynasties such as Joof or Diouf, etc and the maternal dynasty of Wagadou, see: Andrew F. Clark and Lucie Colvin Philips. Historical Dictionary of Senegal. Second Edition (1994). For the Guelowars, see Alioune Sarr' Histoire du Sine Saloum.Senegal
  14. ^ Roland Oliver, John Donnelly Fage, G. N. Sanderson. The Cambridge History of Africa, p214. Cambridge University Press, 1985. ISBN 0521228034
  15. ^ Dawda Faal. Peoples and empires of Senegambia: Senegambia in history, AD 1000-1900, p17. Published by Saul's Modern Printshop (1991)
  16. ^ Marcel Mahawa Diouf. Lances mâles: Léopold Sédar Senghor et les traditions Sérères, p54. Published by: Centre d'études linguistiques et historiques par tradition orale (1996)
  17. ^ Ibn Abi Zar, p89
  18. ^ See Sarr; Bâ, also: Klein: Rulers of Sine and Saloum, 1825 to present (1969).
  19. ^ Lucie Gallistel Colvin. Historical Dictionary of Senegal. Scarecrow Press/ Metuchen. NJ - London (1981) ISBN 081081885x
  20. ^ Andrew F. Clark and Lucie Colvin Philips. Historical Dictionary of Senegal. Second Edition (1994).
  21. ^ Note: Although the word "Buur" is Serer in origin it it is normally attributed to the Wolof who tend to use it to describe their Kings. There are thousands of Serer words found in the Wolof language. The Wolof have a great ability to absorb from other culture and make it their own. See Taal.
  22. ^ For more on Geulowars see Alioune Sarr. Also see the Medieval history of the Serer people.
  23. ^ See Klein p14-15
  24. ^ Martin A. Klein. Islam and Imperialism in Senegal, p12-15
  25. ^ Estimated figure for (2006)
  26. ^ African Census Analysis Project (ACAP). University of Pennsylvania. Ethnic Diversity and Assimilation in Senegal: Evidence from the 1988 Census by Pierre Ngom, Aliou Gaye and Ibrahima Sarr. 2000
  27. ^ Martin A, Klein, p7
  28. ^ Lewis, M. Paul (ed.), 2009. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. ( - 2006 and 2007).
  29. ^ NB: 2006 Figures are taken in order to compare the population of the Serer in the respective countries.
  30. ^ Godfrey Mwakikagile. The Gambia and Its People: Ethnic Identities and Cultural Integration in Africa, p141. ISBN 9987160239
  31. ^ Patricia Tang. Masters of the sabar: Wolof griot percussionists of Senegal, p144. Temple University Press, 2007. ISBN 1592134203
  32. ^ David P. Gamble. The Wolof of Senegambia: together with notes on the Lebu and the Serer, p77. International African Institute, 1957
  33. ^ a b Ali Colleen Neff. Tassou: the Ancient Spoken Word of African Women. 2010.
  34. ^ Patricia Tang. Masters of the sabar: Wolof griot percussionists of Senegal, p-p32, 34. Temple University Press, 2007. ISBN 1592134203
  35. ^ Godfrey Mwakikagile. The Gambia and Its People: Ethnic Identities and Cultural Integration in Africa, p11. ISBN 9987160239
  36. ^ Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume 29, p-p 855-6 and 912. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2003. ISBN 0852299613
  37. ^ Tiyambe Zeleza. A Modern Economic History of Africa: The nineteenth century, p110. East African Publishers, 1997. ISBN 996646025X
  38. ^ Dennis Charles Galvan. University of California Press, 2004. ISBN 0520235916
  39. ^ Dennis Galvan. Market Liberalization as a Catalyst for Ethnic Conflict. Department of Political Science & International Studies Program. University of Oregon. p-p 9-10
  40. ^ Abdou Bouri Bâ. Essai sur l’histoire du Saloum et du Rip. Avant-propos par Charles Becker et Victor Martin, p4
  41. ^ According to both the Toucouleur and Serer tradition and backed up by several sources one of which include: William J. Foltz. From French West Africa to the Mali Federation, Volume 12 of Yale studies in political science, p136. Published by Yale University Press, 1965.
  42. ^ According to both Serer and Jola tradition, they trace their descend to Jambonge (also spelt Jambooñ) and Ougeney (also spelt Eugeny or referred to as Agaire). For more on this see Ebou Momar Taal, Senegambian Ethnic Groups: Common Origins and Cultural Affinities Factors and Forces of National Unity, Peace and Stability. 2010. Also see: Fata Ndiaye. LA SAGA DU PEUPLE SERERE ET L’HISTOIRE DU SINE. Ethiopiques n°54 revue semestrielle de culture négro-africaine Nouvelle série volume 7, 2e semestre 1991
  43. ^ Charles Becker. Vestiges historiques, trémoins matériels du passé clans les pays sereer
  44. ^ IFAN. Ethiopiques numéro 31 révue socialiste de culture négro-africaine 3e trimestre 1982 . By Mor Sadio Niang.
  45. ^ Niokhobaye Diouf. Chronique du royaume du Sine par suivie de notes sur les traditions orales et les sources écrites concernant le royaume du Sine par Charles Becker et Victor Martin.
  46. ^ (see Serer religion: Serer Religious Festivals: There influence on Senegambia)
  47. ^ Salif Dione, L’Education traditionnelle à travers les chants et poèmes sereer, Dakar, Université de Dakar, 1983, 344 p. (Thèse de 3e cycle)
  48. ^ Henry Gravrand,La civilisation Sereer, Pangool, Dakar, Nouvelles Editions Africaines (1990)
  49. ^ Sufism and jihad in modern Senegal: the Murid order By John Glover
  50. ^ Conversion to Islam: Military Recruitment and Generational Conflict in a Sereer-Safin Village (Bandia)
  51. ^ See Godfrey Mwakikagile. The Gambia and its People: Ethnic Identities and cultural integration in Africa, p133
  52. ^ Elizabeth L Berg, Ruth Wan. Senegal. Cultures of the World. Volume 17, p63. 2nd Edition. Published by: Marshall Cavendish, 2009. ISBN 0761444815


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